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Research and Resources


Cognitive Styles Psychometric Example

A 19 page demo participant example of a cognitive styles psychometric. 

We explore more about psychometrics in our pros and cons of psychometric testing article.

In today’s dynamic and interconnected landscape, the value of diverse thought has never been more significant. We all think and process information in unique and distinct ways, and our ability to harness the power of our unique problem-solving approach holds the key to unlocking numerous benefits, both on an individual and collective level.

The appreciation of cognitive diversity – the different ways in which people think and process information – is grounded in the realisation that it is not homogeneity, but the harmonious blend of contrasting cognitive styles that initiates progress.


Research has demonstrated that individuals as well as groups of people with higher levels of cognitive diversity solve problems faster, make better decisions, develop more unique solutions and avoid group-think.


Allowing individuals, teams and organisations to work more efficiently and establish themselves at the forefront of innovation and performance. As a result, cognitive diversity unlocks a team’s true potential, and claim even greater success.

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Access more resources on our Espresso session downloads page or read more below about our research with further downloads available.

Architectural Structure

Inspiring Performance


We love tried and tested but we're always looking for better. We don't accept that there's a single way of seeing things or that anyone has all the answers, so we love challenging preconceptions and exploring new ideas.


Over the years our research has shaped how organisations approach engagement and work-related well-being. At the very start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, we recognised that the landscape in which organisations operate had changed forever. Our ensuing research identifies the factors that most contribute to survival in a hypercompetitive market or during a crisis.


Our ideas integrate many years of research by academics and practitioners, drawing upon recent advances in the fields of psychology and neuroscience to help explain how people really think and behave in the workplace.

Our research isn't just academic theory; we've developed practical models and tools to translate the learning into demonstrable results.


Contact us today to start a conversation about how we can support your team or organisation.

Cognitive Diversity

Cognitive diversity has become a major focus of attention for many organisations over recent years. That's because we now know that it can lead to increased performance, faster innovation, deeper learning  and greater organisational resilience.

However cognitive diversity is also greatly misunderstood and very few organisations have been able to unlock its full potential. To make matters worse,  even fewer organisations realise that it can be hugely detrimental to relationships, collaboration and performance when poorly managed.


Our insights paper explains the important difference between cognitive diversity, demographic diversity and neurodiversity, revealing how the full benefits can be realised whilst avoiding the pitfalls.

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Organisational Agility

Our latest research published in April 2021, explains how cognitive diversity, along with three other psychological factors, contributes to Collective Intelligence which, when combined with Adaptive Innovation processes, forms the basis of Organisational Agility.

We show how Organisational Agility is not only a key determinant of long-term sustainability and success in a hyper-competitive market, but the single most important factor in surviving an unexpected event such as the coronavirus pandemic.

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Engagement and Wellbeing

Click on the button to download a copy of our 2015 white paper exploring the links between employee engagement and work-related well-being.

Our research programme, conducted in partnership with the University of Strathclyde is changing the way organisations think about employee engagement and work-related well-being.

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Motivation and Engagement

Click on the button to download a copy of our 2012 research paper into motivation and engagement.

This paper helps explain what motivates people most, especially during times of extreme challenge or where they personally have something significant at risk. The research was conducted with more than a thousand soldiers returning from active service in Afghanistan.

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You can also read our articles on the Engage For Success website about Engagement And Well-Being (click here) and A Study Into Motivation And Engagement (click here). 

Architectural Structure

Inspiring Performance

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